The City of Greensboro recently opened up its long-term transit and transportation plans for public review and comment. | Adobe Stock
The City of Greensboro recently opened up its long-term transit and transportation plans for public review and comment. | Adobe Stock
Members of the public wishing to review and comment on the City of Greensboro’s transportation infrastructure plans may do so through Tuesday, Dec. 1.
The 2045 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) and the Greensboro Urban Area Comprehensive Transportation Plan are available for public review and comment either online or by submitting feedback directly to Greensboro, the city said in a November release.
The plans can also be viewed on the city’s website, according to the release.
The MTP covers transportation improvements targeted for the next two decades, according to the release. It covers such questions as projected needs related to “roadways, public transit, bicycles, and pedestrians and develops projects and programs to accommodate future growth.”
The Comprehensive Transportation Plan maps out the recommended improvements and changes for everything from roads and bike or pedestrian facilities, to passenger rail, according to the release.
Comments on the projects can be entered through an online form, or mailed to Greensboro Urban Area MPO, Attention: 2045 MTP and CTP, P.O. Box 3136, Greensboro.
The city will also conduct a virtual, online meeting through the Greensboro Urban Area Metropolitan Planning Organization’s Facebook page on Thursday, Nov. 19, from 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m., according to the release.