Guilford County Schools recently issued the following announcement.
Guilford Parent Academy (GPA) is on the move, looking for new ways to reach families with workshops and events. And with a newly updated Course Catalog, there are more workshop options than ever before, including Homework Help, Entrepreneurship, Homeownership, Credit Counseling, Adult Literacy/Education and much more including sessions designed for families receiving Exceptional Children’s (EC) services.
GPA encourages schools, churches and other organizations working with families to consider hosting a family engagement session. With more than 70 topic selections to choose from, sessions are offered free of charge with GPA-approved presenters.
“Guilford Parent Academy is always looking for new ways to reach families where they already are--at schools, work, place of worship, PTA meetings, community events, and more,” said Kimberly Funderburk, director of GPA. “Let us come to you. Review our Course Catalog and select the workshops that best fit the needs of the families you serve. If a session topic of interest is not in the Course Catalog, contact us directly and we’ll work with you to develop what you need.”
To view the GPA Course Catalog, click here. Title I schools can request certificates to recognize parents during family engagement activities. Workshop requests should be submitted at least three weeks prior to the requested workshop date.
To learn more about GPA, click here, email or call 336.279.4924.
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